Weather in Malaga
Forecast Weather Malaga
What is the weather like in Malaga? How hot is Malaga?- What is the best time of the year to go to Malaga?Weather in Malaga month by month to choose the best moment to travel to Malaga, Andalusia
You want to visit Malaga soon and would like to have an answer to your question: "What is the best time to go to Malaga?" Or maybe you are lucky and already booked your tickets to travel to Malaga soon, but don't know how the weather is like in Malaga and would like to see the forecast weather just to know what to put in your luggage?
Here is all the info you need to enjoy Andalusia during your visit and maybe even plan your activities depending on the weather.
Remember that our Cooltoural team of locals/insiders will be happy to tell you about the best activities in Malaga during your customized and private tour. Don't hesitate to contact us or directly book your cultural immersion.
Let's see what is the climate like in the beautiful Malaga month by month from January to December.
The weather in Malaga in January is correct.
Average Temperature: 17°c (62.6°F)
For a third of the month (10 days) temperatures can rise above 18°c (64.4° F)
Minimum average temperature: 12°c (53.6°F)
Precipitation: 60 mm in a week
The weather in Malaga is relatively dry (with around 60 mm of precipitation in a week). It is better than the previous month as December has around 80 mm of rainfall in 5 days.
Average day length: 9h56
January may be not the best month to visit Malaga. However, its mild climate makes it still a pleasant period to enjoy the city. Don’t forget to put warm clothing in your suitcase if you come to Malaga in January.
The weather in Malaga in February is correct.
Average Temperature: 15°c (59°F)
Temperatures can increase until 17°c (62.6°F). February is generally colder than the previous month. It is possible, though to have temperatures higher than 18°c (64.4° F).
Minimum average temperature: 12°c (53.6°F)
Precipitation: 70 mm in a week
The weather in Malaga in February is quite dry (with around 70 mm of precipitation in a week). It is more than the precipitations in January (60 mm).
Average day length: 10h52
February like January isn’t probably the best month to visit Malaga, as it is quite cool. February is often the coldest month of the year in Malaga. However, with fewer rainfalls than other areas of Spain and Europe, it is still enjoyable to go to Malaga during winter. Moreover, the Carnival in Malaga is an event not to miss in February. Once again don’t forget to take some warm clothing with you, if you’ve decided to come to Malaga during this period of the year.
The weather in Malaga in March is pleasant and good.
Average Temperature: 17°c (62.6°F)
Thermometers usually show in March, in Malaga a temperature around 19°c (66.2° F). This temperature decreases until 15°c (59°F) in the morning.
Minimum average temperature: 14°c (57.2°F)
Precipitation: 54 mm in a week
The climate in Malaga in March is dryer than February (with around 54 mm of precipitation in a week).
Average day length: 11h56
During half of the month of March, temperatures easily rise up to 18°c (64.4° F). With mild temperatures, March is a favourable month to visit Malaga.
Don't just visit the touristic Malaga, discover the authentic and hidden Malaga
The weather in Malaga in April is pleasant and good.
Average temperature: 20°c (68°F)
The usual temperature is 22°c (71.6° F).
Minimum average temperature: 17°c (62.6°F)
Precipitation: 38 mm in a week
The weather in Malaga in April is quite dry. The weather clearly “improves” compared to the previous month with only 38 mm of rainfall in a week compared to 54 mm in March.
Average day length: 13h08
During 25 days of the month, temperatures get easily higher than 18°c (64.4° F). With good weather conditions, April is a highly recommended month to visit Malaga.
The weather in Malaga in May is very good.
Average Temperature: 23°c (73.4°F)
The temperatures can climb up to 25°c (77°F)
Minimum average temperature: 21°c (69.8°F)
Precipitation: 17 mm in 3 days
The weather in Malaga in May is dry. It doesn’t often rain during this month.
Average day length: 14h07
The weather in Malaga in May is very good and could be described as “perfect” if this adjective can be used.
Temperatures during the month of May rise until 25°c. Mornings aren’t cold anymore as the minimum average temperature in the morning is 21°c (69.8°F). With this great weather, May is a very good period to visit Malaga.
The weather in Malaga in June is very good.
Average Temperature: 26°c (78.8°F)
The temperatures can climb until 29°c (84.2°F)
Minimum average temperature: 22°c (71.6°F)
Precipitation: 8 mm in 2 days
The weather in Malaga in June is dry. It doesn’t often rain during June.
Average day length: 14h40
June is an amazing month in Malaga. It is probably one of the best months to visit the city and enjoy its beautiful beaches.
The weather in Malaga in July is good and hot.
Average Temperature: 31°c (87.8°F)
During July, temperatures can easily rise up to 33°c (91.4°F).
Minimum average temperature: 28°c (82.4°F)
Precipitation: No rain
The weather in Malaga in July is dry. It doesn’t rain in July.
Average day length: 14h26
July is a very nice month as temperatures easily rise above 30°C (86°C) for 25 days of the month. July is obviously a strongly recommended month to come to Malaga for its climate.
The weather in Malaga in August is good and hot.
Average Temperature: 31°c (87.8°F)
During August, just like July, temperatures can easily rise up to 33°c (91.4°F). This month has the hottest climate of the year.
Minimum average temperature: 29°c (84.2°F)
Precipitation: No rain
The weather in Malaga in August is dry. It doesn’t rain in August.
Average day length: 13h34
August just like July, has a very pleasant weather and you can easily forecast temperatures surpassing 30°C (86°C) the whole month. This climate and the unforgettable feria makes August a highly recommended month to visit Malaga.
The weather in Malaga in September is very good.
Average Temperature: 28°c (82.4°F)
Thermometers usually show a temperature around 30°c (86°F)
Minimum average temperature: 26°c (78.8°F)
Precipitation: 34 mm in 4 days
Although the rain comes back during this month, the weather in Malaga in September is dry. It doesn’t often rain during September.
Average day length: 12h25
You can forecast having around 10 days of this month with temperatures rising until 30°c (86°F).
September is a very good option to visit Malaga for its climate. We usually have a period of “veroño” which is a mix of the 2 Spanish words “verano” (summer) and “otoño” (autumn). The reason we call it like this in Malaga is very simple as you can guess it. We still have very pleasant and sunny days during autumn: an ideal weather allowing us to still go to the beach with great sunlight in September.
The weather in Malaga in October is very good.
Average Temperature: 24°c (75.2°F)
The temperatures in Malaga in October usually rise up to 27°c (80.6°F)
Minimum average temperature: 22°c (71.6°F)
Precipitation: 24 mm in 4 days
The weather in Malaga in October is dry. It almost never rains during October in Malaga.
Average day length: 11h16
The climate is really pleasant during this month. In October, just like in September, we usually still enjoy the “veroño” season (some extra summer days during autumn).
The weather in Malaga in November is good.
Average Temperature: 19°c (66.2°F)
The usual temperature for this month in Malaga is around 21°c (69.8°F)
Minimum average temperature: 17°c (62.6°F)
Precipitation: 57 mm in 5 days
With more precipitations than October, November is relatively dry.
Average day length: 10h12
In Malaga, during November you can easily forecast temperatures that are higher than 18°c (64.4°F) for 23 days of the month.
With good climatic conditions, the month of November is a good moment to visit Andalusia.
The weather in Malaga in December is good.
Average Temperature: 16°c (60.8°F)
In December, the thermometer usually shows a temperature at 19°c (66.2°F)
Minimum average temperature: 14°c (57.2°F)
Precipitation: 82 mm in 5 days
With more precipitations than November, December is still a quite dry month in Malaga, compared to other Spanish and European cities.
Average day length: 09h40
In Malaga, December has a fresh weather but very bearable with some winter clothes. It is a good month to visit Malaga as for almost half of it you can plan to have temperatures that are higher than 18°c.

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